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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Jackoff Material!

(Thanks to The Gorsk for linking me to this delicious piece of new music. Because I am a fucking imbecile who can't browse the web.)

(New song is under the picture that makes me feel like I'm high on acid)

Circa Survive has been consistently putting out awesome music. Let me rephrase that.

Circa Survive has been making me fucking cum for the last few years. Everything about them ensures that when I listen to them, I have to change my underwear soon after. It's just that good. It's such a breath of fresh air for the scene, seeing as they are devoid of breakdowns, synths, crabbing it up, and attempting to write shitty music and pass it off as "post hardcore".

Anthony Greens' voice, is like, duh orgasmic. But the music is amazing too. At times they come off as ambient, very relaxing music to knit too, trip out on DXM while sitting in a dark room organize your Kenny G albums too, and enjoy not having your ears bleed because they, unlike other bands in the scene, write GOOD music.

On Letting Go and Juturna are two amazing albums, and despite some idiotic kids who clamor like


Circa still manages to rule regardless. This new song doesn't disappoint. Circa has always managed to bring a weird group of fans together; I remember John Deere wearing white trash ass motherfuckers from Joliet sputtering out between chewing tobacco "DAMN MAN, THAT ANTHONY GREEN SOUNDS LIEK A QUEER, BUT FUCK HE'S GOOD".

Damn right he's good. And you don't even have to wear gaudy ass neon or whatever the fuck is trendy in the scene to like it.

Although I do see alot of American Apparel cardigan wearing buttthumbers liking Circa. But it's cool brahs.

Coupled with news that Circa is going on tour with Coheed.. Boners. Which brings me to my next point.

I realize Circa and Coheed aren't big in the scene anymore, but who gives a shit? They used to be pretty awesome. For all the new shit that Coheed puts out, and for every song Claudio sings where he sound less and less like the love child of Geddy Lee and a sixteen year old girl and more and more like a pack a day smoker who had sex with a bulldog who is somehow fitted with voicebox technology, you still cant erase the fact that they made The Second Stage Turbine Blade.

Remember that album? Yeah you do. It was cool as balls guys. And even so, there are still legions of pre-pubescent teenagers who go to Coheed shows who sing along to classic songs such as "The Suffering" and... wait, fuck no that song sucks.

Regardless, Coheed still manages to draw a decent crows of old material loving hipsters

I guarantee the show will feature a million shrieks from fuckers saying "OMG ANTHONY OMG CLAUDIO BABIES PLZ?!" And most of those dudes are... dudes.

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